Blogging With sbt-typelevel
Andrew, this isn't a blog, it's like a documentation site for a non-existant library
Well, yeah, sorta. But the thing is, I want to have some scala code here and sbt-typelevel just takes care of everything for me these days. Look!
val name = "Blog"
// name: String = "Blog"
s"Hi $name, it's Andrew writing Scala!"
// res0: String = "Hi Blog, it's Andrew writing Scala!"
To use sbt-typelevel as a static blog you'll likely want to set it up slightly differently from a regular library.
I started with the following project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("org.typelevel" % "sbt-typelevel-site" % "0.5.0-M8")
addSbtPlugin("org.typelevel" % "sbt-typelevel-settings" % "0.5.0-M8")
You can get by with just sbt-typelevel-site
, which will give you the docs/tlSitePreview
command to build and preview you site.
But adding sbt-typelevel-settings
is nice as it sets good scalac options even for your mdoc build.
And in order to disable publishing artifacts altogether you'll want to doing something like the following in your build.sbt
ThisBuild / githubWorkflowPublishTargetBranches := Seq()
Finally, remember to actually enable GitHub Pages in your repo, it's in Settings > Pages. I always forget this step.